The subject of forgiving and letting go had been continuously laid on my Spirit for days earlier last week. Forgiveness and releasing our hold on events, memories, and transgressions from the past is extremely vital, and yet can be so very difficult to do. I start each morning listening to "Touching the Stillness", a prayer and meditation radio show hosted by , Rev. Paulette Pipe on I subscribe to the podcast of Touching the Stillness, so I have all the shows archived in my iTunes. This particularly morning, with the Spirit of forgiveness and release heavy on my mind, I found a podcast titled, "Time to Take 'Em Off the Spit." I could tell this podcast would be just what I needed to hear to help me alleviate this pressure to let go of some things and forgive myself and others.
In the podcast, Rev. Paulette shared the story of a young woman who discovered that by not releasing and forgiving things from her past, she had inevitably been giving herself reoccurring bouts with Cancer! I would encourage you to take a listen to the entire podcast and just listen to what being unforgiving can do to us, as well as how healing forgiveness and letting go can be.
Lastly, I want to share this article, that was shared with me during a class I took last year. I am not sure who the original author of the piece is, but, anytime I find myself needing to forgive, either myself or others, I refer back to this piece. I use it to gauge whether I am truly able to "forgive and forget" according the guidelines that its sets for doing so. I believe that this piece encompasses the essence of what it means to truly forgive and forget. So I hope that it will be a help to you all, as it has been to me.
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