02 March 2011

Divine Mind Monthly Giveaway!

     It's the beginning of the month so I'm sure we are all writing those give away checks; we are taking care of living expenses, and hopefully putting a little aside to give to others and to ourselves. Well, now, every month, Divine Mind will be giving something away to one divine reader!  A gift selected to help keep them on the path of powerful thinking and purposeful living.

For the month of March, readers can be entered to win a Premium Ticket to a Millionaire Mind Intensive in the city of their choice. This premium packages comes with bonuses like:
  • Seating in the upper level section, behind the VIP ticket holders
  • An autographed copy of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
  • An 165-Page Millionaire Mind Intensive Workbook
  • The Secrets of the Rich10-CD Collection
If YOU want a Millionaire Mind, there are three things you must do, in order, to be eligible to win this giveaway: 
  1. Click the "Follow this Blog" link in the Networked Blogs box located at the very top right of this page. (If you've already done it, you're one step ahead in the game!)
  2. Go to the "Divine Mind" personal blog page fan page, and "LIKE" the fan page.
  3. Make a post on the Divine Mind fan page wall that affirms,  "I Have A Millionaire Mind!"
The drawing will be done on March 16th, 2011 AND it will be open to the first 97 people who complete all three steps! This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER, so ACT FAST! After you have completed all three steps, then your name will be recorded on the drawing list for the Premium MMI experience!

I have added some testimonials from some of my MMI graduate friends to the Reviews page! Also, you can watch my video about MMI on the Divine Mind Money Series (Part 3) post.

If you have questions about the rules for this giveaway, leave a comment or use the Contact page.

Get it? Got it? Good! GO GO GIVEAWAY!

28 February 2011

Stop Tryna Be More Spider Than A Spider

Okay, so, first I got me a new little part time gig today (Yay for me!). I'm a receptionist at a nail salon and spa. It's kinda like being a hostess or maitre'd at a restaurant, only its seating people for manicures and pedicures instead of meals. It's a little bit of an adjustment, but I like it.

So anywho, I  get home from a full day of training and guess what greets me on my door....? A 3-day notice to pay rent or deliver possession. But wait, it's not even the 1st of the month you say? Well this letter isn't from my landlord, its from the Homeowner's Association and apparently, my landlord hasn't been paying her HOA fees, or her mortgage for that matter. As mad as I could be, and should be, I'm too tired to care about it tonight, so I grab a 6-pack of Yuengling Black and Tan, some pantyhose and heels for work tomorrow and head for my favorite think tank, my garden tub.

While in the tub, drinking beers and soaking my cares away, I notice that a spider has built a web in the space between the bottom of my toilet and the wall. Now, granted I don't like spiders, but I've been having an annoying case of gnats and fruit flies so I'm thinking, "This is GREAT", my new eight-legged friend can eat these fruit flies! No sooner did I come to this realization that two of those pesky little Bzzzers flew right past me. So, I decide, I'm going to help my spider by catching his meal for him.

Well, long story short, I damn near broke every mirror in my bathroom trying to catch this fly. I tried trapping them in cups, towels and blocking them with paper, to get them close to the web. The I tried using my computer screen to attract and kill one to drop onto his web. I succeeded in mushing one gnat, and even dropping him on Spidi's web, but he didn't even register anything had touch his web, it wasn't alive, and he was dependent on his web to do its job and catch his food, alive and viable.

Okay, so here's the big aHA I got from this experience, drunken in the tub, tryna be more spider than a spider.... sometimes we try to be more God than God, more Spirit than Spirit. more spider than a spider. We chase things down, damn near breaking every part of our lives and barely get excited about things just "dropped" onto our webs, that we didn't have to catch ourselves.....

Lest we forget that, Spirit has enabled us to build strong webs?

And with these webs, if we are only patient and methodical, like the spider, then we can trust what we need will land in the web, right?

Another thing, I noticed, is that whenever the flies did get close to the spider's web (naturally, without my "help"), that he would react immediately, scurrying quickly to try to grab this opportunity he could sense was close at hand, before it got away. When he didn't catch it, he just went back to waiting, patiently, for his web to do the job.

How quickly do we react to opportunities that we sense are near our web? How frustrated do we get when they allude us even though we did our best to capture them? Stop tryna be more spider than the spider, and just build a strong web. If you don't catch anything, perhaps build a bigger web. Then wait, and trust, something you need will fly into it.

I'm willing to bet my spider friend will have a meal by morning, with no assistance needed from me.

27 February 2011

Forgive to Live: Being Unforgiving Can Be Fatal

     The subject of forgiving and letting go had been continuously laid on my Spirit for days earlier last week. Forgiveness and releasing our hold on events, memories, and transgressions from the past is extremely vital, and yet can be so very difficult to do. I start each morning listening to "Touching the Stillness", a prayer and meditation radio show hosted by , Rev. Paulette Pipe on Unity.fm. I subscribe to the podcast of  Touching the Stillness, so I have all the shows archived in my iTunes. This particularly morning, with the Spirit of forgiveness and release heavy on my mind, I found a podcast titled, "Time to Take 'Em Off the Spit." I could tell this podcast would be just what I needed to hear to help me alleviate this pressure to let go of some things and forgive myself and others.

In the podcast, Rev. Paulette shared the story of a young woman who discovered that by not releasing and forgiving things from her past, she had inevitably been giving herself reoccurring bouts with Cancer! I would encourage you to take a listen to the entire podcast and just listen to what being unforgiving can do to us, as well as how healing forgiveness and letting go can be.

Lastly, I want to share this article, that was shared with me during a class I took last year. I am not sure who the original author of the piece is, but, anytime I find myself needing to forgive, either myself or others, I refer back to this piece. I use it to gauge whether I am truly able to "forgive and forget" according the guidelines that its sets for doing so. I believe that this piece encompasses the essence of what it means to truly forgive and forget. So I hope that it will be a help to you all, as it has been to me.