02 February 2011

Multi-Taskers' Anonymous (My 1st Video Blog :)

Are you ADDICTED to Multitasking? You're not alone, here are some tips to help calm the craving!

Also, Divine Mind Success Newsletter is coming soon to an inbox near you! Sign up now!


  1. OMG! You SO NAILED IT! I am a multi-tasker addict. I was literally listening to your video, reading an email and returning email, papers everywhere, windows on my computer open...egads! Keep up the good work, lady!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment Dawn! It's good to know I'm not alone! The first step to a cure is admission, LoL. I had one small success today, I watched a 45 minute webinar this morning and did not multitask...however even as I type this, I have 8 tabs open on my browser, I'm eating, and also have papers everywhere! Its a work in progress. I just have to remind myself that sometimes multi-tasking can be counterproductive, so the time to just FOCUS, EXECUTE, and then move on.

  3. I am definitely a multi-tasking addict especially at work. I do a lot of things by myself so sometimes I have no choice. It's so normal to me now, I don't even notice i'm doing it. Like even now as I was watching the video. Good job, Unique!

  4. Hey Sis! Thank you for your comment! I feel you 100% because I do just about everything by myself. Just take a moment to recognize if your multitasking really is getting more done/increasing your productivity, or if you are just doing more things at once, but not really accomplishing them any faster or with the same quality as doing one at a time.
