30 January 2011


    So today seemed to be a day that all my ladies were tryna understand the men, and all the men gave up on trying to understand the ladies, HA! I spent a great portion of the day chatting with a male friend about how the men I've been encountering lately have a tendency to say one thing, things that sound great....but then they act in complete opposition to what they say.

For example, had a young man contact me this past Friday, said he wanted to see me and take me out. I told him to plan a date and let me know what time to be ready. Later that evening, he calls and pretty much cancels the date. Ok, you got off work a little late (8:30pm, not really late but whatever), I'll let it slide. Well the next day, we end up making dinner plans again, to see each other at 8, and at 7:30 he texts me, canceling once again. Okay....last I checked, YOU contacted ME bro, so what is really up with that?

My friend told me that guys these days are used to women who will chase them, sit on hold for them, and just otherwise cater to their every whim. Well...I'm no puppet, so that's not going to work. I definitely want some companionship, but not that damn bad.

Fellas step ya game up, Ladies, make them.

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