11 March 2011

The Success-Filled Home Series (Part 2) - Sacred Spaces

 The Divine Mind Success-Filled Home Series is dedicated to sharing advice on how to set up your home to manifest success in all areas of life. I recruited some of my fabulous friends to be guest bloggers in this series and I am confident that their knowledge will be a blessing to you.

Creating Sacred Spaces in the Home

Whether you’d prefer to call it a sacred space, quiet space, mediation room, prayer room or even a prayer closet, having a space that is set apart from daily activities is a great way to foster an environment for success in your home. Through creating your sacred space, you will experience peace of mind, balance, mind renewal, focus, creativity, clarity, and heightened spiritual intuition (just to name a few).
Here are some tips on creating your own space that will help you in maximizing your personal growth and success. 
  1. Find a place in your home separate from your bedroom and work area. If you're unable to separate from these areas, find a quiet and seldom used corner or place in your home to set up there. Perhaps you can set up a partition or room divider to section off that space just for you.
  2. Make that space as calming and as cozy as possible. Clear out any clutter or over-sized furniture. Use a comfortable chair or chaise. Find a large area rug. Put a plant there. Put a CD player there (for soft music only).
  3. Create the ambiance you desire. Light candles; utilize a prayer rug or a prayer shawl. 
  4. Pray over your new space and ask God to make it special. 
If you've assessed your home and realize that you have no room whatsoever to create a quiet space for yourself, here are other options... 
  1. Use the bathroom in your home to spend some quiet time. (I did this for months before moving into a new house.)
  2. Use your car (just make sure your car is clean and clutter free). 
  3. Go to your favorite park or find a corner in your favorite bookstore or local library.
  4. Sit on your patio or balcony. 
You'll find that once you make space (no matter where it is), then space will be made for you over a period of time.

Here are some do's and don'ts for your quiet place... 
  1. Don't entertain there. 
  2. Don't allow anyone to utilize it (unless you're married and can share that space with your spouse).
  3. Don't eat there. You may drink water or calming tea.
  4. Keep this space as quiet as possible at all times (no TV, cell phone, house phone, video games, etc.). 
  5. Do pick a certain time of day to spend there (initially).
  6. Do relax your spirit, soul and body.
  7. Do pray, read, meditate, journal and be quiet while there. 
  8. Do use the space to the fullest: lie on the floor, sit in your chair, or kneel in prayer.
  9. Do develop a daily practice while you're there. 
Remember, your sacred space if a place for you and God alone. While there, purpose to press your way in to your most inner thoughts, hopes and dreams and open your spiritual ears to listen. Be open and receptive, and allow His voice to be your guide. When you do, you will be led to God’s best for your life and you will experience authentic success on all levels: spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, financially and even professionally.
Written by Deaquelynn Williams

Deaquelynn Williams is a humanitarian, life coach, author, Bible teacher, inspirational speaker and a social entrepreneur. In addition to being CEO of Quelynn, Inc. she is also founder and executive director of A Light in the Dark Outreach, an organization that provides resources and programs for the homeless and youth.
The mission of Quelynn, Inc. is to catapult women to their wealthy place through spiritual empowerment, vision development and personal enhancement coaching and training that builds confidence, ignites passion and defines purpose. 
To learn more about Deaquelynn, visit www.QuelynnIncorporated.com.

10 March 2011

The Success-Filled Home Series (Part 1) - Feng Shui

After a couple weeks of delay, I am delighted to finally bring you the Divine Mind Success-Filled Home Series. This series is dedicated to sharing advice on how to set up your home to manifest success in all areas of life. I recruited some of my fabulous friends to be guest bloggers in this series and I am confident that their knowledge will be a blessing to you.

So without further delay, here's the first article in the series all about Feng Shui written by Oona  D. Mulkey

Illustrator, Motivator, Strong Woman, and Mother. Through visual talents and uplifting words, Oona D'Artist is on a mission to save the world one positive thought at a time. www.oonadartist.com
    Feng Shui is the Chinese art of creating an environment that reflects what you want in life. Feng Shui is the use of colors and objects placed strategically in your home to get results for your desires.

    First, It is important to first clean your home and free your life of clutter. A cluttered environment equals a cluttered mind. Next, stop hanging on to those broken things, either fix them or throw them out. Broken things equal a broken spirit. Allow yourself to take the time to take care of the little things that have been piling up, bills, paperwork, clear your mind of old tasks. Starting your new home with a clean slate will make it easier to attract the things you want in your life. Make sure you bring life into your space, meaning a plant or plants, DEAD PLANTS MUST GO, make sure you water and nourish them (plants represent life and growth). The color green represents prosperity, please be aware of how you treat the “green things” in your home. Avoid overbearing overpowering lighting as much as possible. Light is used as a tool, not to drown you out, don’t be a candle in the sun. If your home is drafty, make sure you seal those areas. Drafts take money from your home and cause health issues.

    These are just some tips to get started. A great source to begin your feng shui environment is http://www.ivillage.com/what-bagua/7-a-220537. This site explains Bagua, which is a map of your home that breaks down each space in your home by areas in your life. For instance your entrance is the career/life path area, in order to bring what you want to that area you should use the color black in that area and put up pictures of people that you aspire to be like. The other areas that areas of Bagua are skills & knowledge, family & foundation, prosperity & abundance, fame & reputation, relationship & love, health, creativity & children, and helpful people & travel. All of which are explained on this website article and which are easy to transform into your life.

    So in conclusion, it’s important that you map out your home correctly and understand exactly what it is you want for this process to be most effective.  Feng Shui can have such a wonderful affect on your life and give you fast life changing results. The most important part to remember is that you must believe in what you are doing wholeheartedly and keep your mind and home clutter free.