Listen, as Napoleon Hill, Author of "Think and Grow Rich" shares the profound lesson that he received as a student of the great businessman, Andrew Carnegie. Hill's relationship with Carnegie was what eventually led him to write his best selling novel about the power of the mind.
14 July 2011
04 June 2011
Bob Proctor from, "The Secret" and the Universal Law of Gestation/Gender
The Law of Gestation or Gender says everything takes time to manifest or grow. Thoughts are like seeds planted in our minds and they become physical if we have fed them. Know that things will happen when the time is right and ready for it. Keep your focus on the goal.
Listen to what Bob Proctor has to say about using this Law to our advantage.
25 May 2011
How to Simplify Your Complicated Life and Finally Get What You Want
personal development,
The Secret
05 May 2011
Seminar Junkies & Personal Development Addicts
In this video, Leslie Householder, Author of, "The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can", shares her explanation of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation, one of the laws mention in my recent "Introduction to the Laws of the Universe" post. Leslie, a self proclaimed seminar junkie, talks about her intense search for the principles in life that bring success and how the Law of Perptual Transmutation plays a role for us all.
27 April 2011
An Attitude of Gratitude Doesn't Always Work
In keeping with my recent post on the Laws of the Universe, I wanted to share this very insightful video from Esther Hicks. You may recognize her from the movie, "The Secret".
In this video, Abraham, speaking through Esther Hicks explains why appreciation is so powerful in transforming our experience, as well as how we can cultivate appreciation, how we can use it, and why an emphasis on gratitude is less effective.
Esther & Jerry Hicks are the authors of numerous books based on the Teachings of Abraham and their latest book, "Money and The Law of Attraction", reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.
For over 20 years, Esther has translated blocks of thought from "Non-Physical Source Energy" - which she also identifies as her "Inner Being" or "Soul" - and who refer to themselves in the plural as "Abraham" (no relation to the Biblical figure).
25 April 2011
An Introduction to the Laws of the Universe
The Law of Vibration: says everything vibrates and nothing rests. This means that like attracts like energy. Everything has an energy to it, including your thoughts and feelings. Focusing on a particular thought or idea attracts its vibrational match. So you can focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want for this to work in your favor.
The Law of Relativity: says nothing is what it is until you relate it to something. Things can only be measured in relation to another object so if you are having a bad day for instance relate your situation to something worse than yours, and you will feel good about where you are. Things are only as bad as you allow them to be.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation: says energy moves into physical form. Your thoughts and feelings are a powerful energy. The more you focus your thinking on the images of what you want, the more your energy will make that want come into physical form.
The Law of Cause and Effect: says for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you are giving off negative thoughts, you will get back negative things. Positive thoughts beget positive results. Think positively in every way.
The Law of Rythym: Says that everything has a natural cycle. The tides go in and back out, night follows day, and life regenerates itself. Nothing stays the same and change is constant in every thing. If life throws you a curve, know that better things shall follow.
The Law of Gestation or Gender: Says everything takes time to manifest or grow. Thoughts are like seeds planted in our minds and they become physical if we have fed them. Know that things will happen when the time is right and ready for it. Keep your focus on the goal.
The Law of Polarity: says everything has an opposite. Look for the good in people and situations. Know that whatever you focus on becomes more in your life.
These universal laws are not in any particular order, but they can account for a large shift in the successes in your life by embracing them. Over the next posts I will be delving into each Law more in depth so that we can all better understand how to use these laws for our benefit.
law of attraction,
13 April 2011
The KEY to Unlocking Your Greatness
This is the KEY to unlock GREATNESS
Another light bulb moment from my tub, check this out:
This is the result of a drip of water from the faucet of my bathtub after a little more than 24 hours. In this experiment, I witnessed the key to greatness... CONSISTENCY.
As a single unit, it may be one drip; however, one drip consistently over time became bathwater.
Moral of the Story: Build up to your goals and dreams, one drip at a time.
Another light bulb moment from my tub, check this out:
This is the result of a drip of water from the faucet of my bathtub after a little more than 24 hours. In this experiment, I witnessed the key to greatness... CONSISTENCY.
As a single unit, it may be one drip; however, one drip consistently over time became bathwater.
Moral of the Story: Build up to your goals and dreams, one drip at a time.
11 April 2011
5 Ways to Experience Deeper Meditation
In order to experience the bliss and rejuvenation of meditation, one first needs to understand what it means to be in meditation. Merriam-Webster defines the word “meditation” as, “the act or process of spending time in quiet thought” and it is from the Latin root meditatum, meaning “to ponder.” Meditation is a self-induced, sleep-like, mode of consciousness. Meditation can provide inner peace, inspirational guidance and relief from the symptoms of many chronic diseases.
Here are a few tips for experiencing deeper levels of meditation:
1) Make sure you have extremely quiet surroundings. This is critical to ensuring that you can find the deep peace. For assistance with creating a meditation space, check out this Divine Mind post on “Creating Sacred Spaces”
2) You must have accurate posture to allow the free movement and the correct breathing necessary for achieving deep meditation. Using a pillow to sit on helps you to stay properly balanced. Lying on the floor also works well, just don't fall asleep!
3) Use prayer beads to count prayers, a candle flame, or the smoke from incense, as a point of focus. Doing this can aid in reaching deeper levels of meditation. Meditation music or chanting helps as well, however, deep meditative states are also achieved during silence. You will need to find what works best for you.
4) Tell your body to relax. Start at your toes and use your subconscious voice to instruct your toes, feet, ankles, legs, etc. to relax and release. Breathe into each area you wish to relax. You may need to repeat these instructions to your body two or three times before you experience the transcendental relaxation.
5) Be still and always come back to the breath. Release your wants, needs and worries and focus on the feeling of breathing. You will find your mind going here and there but do not resist this activity. Acknowledge the thoughts that arise during your meditation without judgment, and then release them by bringing your focus back to your inhale and exhale.
Consistency in your meditation practice will be the key to achieving those deeper levels of consciousness. It will not happen overnight. However, the benefits of learning how to block out both outer and inner noise are worth the effort of regular practice. By using the tips above, you will eventually become more in tune with your consciousness, have better control of your actions and emotions, and know how to maintain a peaceful state, no matter what is going on around you.
29 March 2011
Divine Mind Monthly Giveaway Winner!
Joy is the WINNER of Divine Mind Giveaway for the month of March! Joy has received a FREE PREMIUM SEAT at the MILLIONAIRE MIND INTENSIVE, a $97 value!! She plans to attend MMI in Atlanta on April 29th! Congrats Joy and I will see you in ATLANTA!
22 March 2011
Increasing Your Life - Thoughts from Michael Beckwith
I am sure that by now you have heard of “The Secret”. Michael Bernard Beckwith was one of the featured teachers in The Secret movie and the bestselling book by the same name that followed the movie. Dr. Beckwith is the originator of the Life Visioning Process, which he teaches throughout the country along with meditation, scientific prayer, and the spiritual benefits of selfless service. His books include: “Inspirations of the Heart”, “Forty Day Mind Fast Soul Feast”, and “A Manifesto of Peace”.
Dr. Beckwith beliefs and teaching hit home with me. He believes that each of us is full of the gifts from God and that by not accepting who God wants us to be, you cannot continue to grow. You will not develop into the person that God has created. Without your gifts, you cannot increase your life.
Much of the acceptance issue is fear. Do you agree? In many churches where we grew up, fear was taught as a means of following God. Many wars are fought using the name of God. He did not ask us to fight for him. God wants us to bring the people to Him. You cannot do that using fear or fight.
God really wants only a few things from us. 1) To be known and 2) to be manifested and revealed to others through us, as us. God is not war and fear. God is beauty, abundance, health and wealth and so much more. By knowing God in you, you will be able to glorify God. And with that you will bring yourself abundance, prosperity, joy, happiness, harmony, wealth.
Embrace your gifts and become who you are meant to be and God will thrive in you, through you, and around you. Even those gifts you feel may not be of God, are exactly that ones you need to develop in order to fulfill your life's potential. Poverty and lack is a limitation that we put on ourselves. God wants us to be wealthy, in every meaning of the word, so we can give and take care of others and bring them to Him. God’s field is rich and if you accept it, you will be amazed at what God can do in you and what He has in store for you.
So, what can you do to look inside yourself and find your gifts that God has given? How can you embrace these gifts to improve your situation and turn that business around? Prayer is a mighty sword. Use it affirmatively and you will find that you are truly increasing your life.
Note: Dr. Beckwith's books are available for purchase in my "recommended reading" section at the bottom right on this blog page. :)
law of attraction,
14 March 2011
The Success-Filled Home Series (Part 3) - Attract-a-Mate Bedrooms
Attract- A- Mate Bedroom
Penned by Lipstick Diva
In order to attract a mate you have to look your best, smell your best and act your best and in these current times of residential dating you should be sure to make your home’s presentation an equal extension of your style and taste. After all, this is a part of your ‘first impression’. When you think of cultivating romance in the home, you think of the bedroom. This is usually the space where ‘the magic happens’ so why not make your bedroom’s décor a magical wonderland!
As an Interior Decorator, I love to incorporate soft and sensual materials when designing a romantically styled room. In order to achieve this look you should create a vision board of inspirational pictures from interior design magazines or stock photos found on the internet. Look for materials that say ‘sexy’, ‘sensual’ and ‘romantic’. The best sex and sleep comes from a bedroom that is welcoming, cozy and exotic. Some of the materials I recommend are faux fur throws, canopy, dim lighting, sheep skin rugs, sheer curtains, scented candles, flowers, chandeliers, high thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, mirrors, sensual artwork and of course color. The romance is in the details so don’t be afraid to mix and match colors and textures to achieve your desired results.
We’ve all heard again and again that men are visual creatures. You attract a mate with your physical presentation and keep him interested with a winning personality. When inviting a male into your home you want him to see that you are warm, clean, organized, sensual and the woman of his dreams. You should ignite his five senses with not only yourself but your home as well. Choose conversational pieces for your coffee table, display the interesting books you’ve read, hang up your artwork to share the tale of how you came to choose that particular piece, cook a delicious meal and let the aroma of scented candles fill the air, play an arrangement of music to showcase your diverse taste and last but not least have a plethora of topics on deck to discuss to keep the conversation going. You are sure to be a keeper with all this and your super sexy self! Remember reveal something, not everything ;0)
Lipstick Manual blog
11 March 2011
The Success-Filled Home Series (Part 2) - Sacred Spaces
The Divine Mind Success-Filled Home Series is dedicated to sharing advice on how to set up your home to manifest success in all areas of life. I recruited some of my fabulous friends to be guest bloggers in this series and I am confident that their knowledge will be a blessing to you.
Creating Sacred Spaces in the Home
Whether you’d prefer to call it a sacred space, quiet space, mediation room, prayer room or even a prayer closet, having a space that is set apart from daily activities is a great way to foster an environment for success in your home. Through creating your sacred space, you will experience peace of mind, balance, mind renewal, focus, creativity, clarity, and heightened spiritual intuition (just to name a few).
Here are some tips on creating your own space that will help you in maximizing your personal growth and success.
- Find a place in your home separate from your bedroom and work area. If you're unable to separate from these areas, find a quiet and seldom used corner or place in your home to set up there. Perhaps you can set up a partition or room divider to section off that space just for you.
- Make that space as calming and as cozy as possible. Clear out any clutter or over-sized furniture. Use a comfortable chair or chaise. Find a large area rug. Put a plant there. Put a CD player there (for soft music only).
- Create the ambiance you desire. Light candles; utilize a prayer rug or a prayer shawl.
- Pray over your new space and ask God to make it special.
If you've assessed your home and realize that you have no room whatsoever to create a quiet space for yourself, here are other options...
- Use the bathroom in your home to spend some quiet time. (I did this for months before moving into a new house.)
- Use your car (just make sure your car is clean and clutter free).
- Go to your favorite park or find a corner in your favorite bookstore or local library.
- Sit on your patio or balcony.
You'll find that once you make space (no matter where it is), then space will be made for you over a period of time.
Here are some do's and don'ts for your quiet place...
- Don't entertain there.
- Don't allow anyone to utilize it (unless you're married and can share that space with your spouse).
- Don't eat there. You may drink water or calming tea.
- Keep this space as quiet as possible at all times (no TV, cell phone, house phone, video games, etc.).
- Do pick a certain time of day to spend there (initially).
- Do relax your spirit, soul and body.
- Do pray, read, meditate, journal and be quiet while there.
- Do use the space to the fullest: lie on the floor, sit in your chair, or kneel in prayer.
- Do develop a daily practice while you're there.
Remember, your sacred space if a place for you and God alone. While there, purpose to press your way in to your most inner thoughts, hopes and dreams and open your spiritual ears to listen. Be open and receptive, and allow His voice to be your guide. When you do, you will be led to God’s best for your life and you will experience authentic success on all levels: spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, financially and even professionally.
Written by Deaquelynn Williams
Deaquelynn Williams is a humanitarian, life coach, author, Bible teacher, inspirational speaker and a social entrepreneur. In addition to being CEO of Quelynn, Inc. she is also founder and executive director of A Light in the Dark Outreach, an organization that provides resources and programs for the homeless and youth.
The mission of Quelynn, Inc. is to catapult women to their wealthy place through spiritual empowerment, vision development and personal enhancement coaching and training that builds confidence, ignites passion and defines purpose.
To learn more about Deaquelynn, visit
10 March 2011
The Success-Filled Home Series (Part 1) - Feng Shui
After a couple weeks of delay, I am delighted to finally bring you the Divine Mind Success-Filled Home Series. This series is dedicated to sharing advice on how to set up your home to manifest success in all areas of life. I recruited some of my fabulous friends to be guest bloggers in this series and I am confident that their knowledge will be a blessing to you.
So without further delay, here's the first article in the series all about Feng Shui written by Oona D. Mulkey
Feng Shui is the Chinese art of creating an environment that reflects what you want in life. Feng Shui is the use of colors and objects placed strategically in your home to get results for your desires.
First, It is important to first clean your home and free your life of clutter. A cluttered environment equals a cluttered mind. Next, stop hanging on to those broken things, either fix them or throw them out. Broken things equal a broken spirit. Allow yourself to take the time to take care of the little things that have been piling up, bills, paperwork, clear your mind of old tasks. Starting your new home with a clean slate will make it easier to attract the things you want in your life. Make sure you bring life into your space, meaning a plant or plants, DEAD PLANTS MUST GO, make sure you water and nourish them (plants represent life and growth). The color green represents prosperity, please be aware of how you treat the “green things” in your home. Avoid overbearing overpowering lighting as much as possible. Light is used as a tool, not to drown you out, don’t be a candle in the sun. If your home is drafty, make sure you seal those areas. Drafts take money from your home and cause health issues.
These are just some tips to get started. A great source to begin your feng shui environment is This site explains Bagua, which is a map of your home that breaks down each space in your home by areas in your life. For instance your entrance is the career/life path area, in order to bring what you want to that area you should use the color black in that area and put up pictures of people that you aspire to be like. The other areas that areas of Bagua are skills & knowledge, family & foundation, prosperity & abundance, fame & reputation, relationship & love, health, creativity & children, and helpful people & travel. All of which are explained on this website article and which are easy to transform into your life.
So in conclusion, it’s important that you map out your home correctly and understand exactly what it is you want for this process to be most effective. Feng Shui can have such a wonderful affect on your life and give you fast life changing results. The most important part to remember is that you must believe in what you are doing wholeheartedly and keep your mind and home clutter free.
So without further delay, here's the first article in the series all about Feng Shui written by Oona D. Mulkey
Illustrator, Motivator, Strong Woman, and Mother. Through visual talents and uplifting words, Oona D'Artist is on a mission to save the world one positive thought at a time. |
First, It is important to first clean your home and free your life of clutter. A cluttered environment equals a cluttered mind. Next, stop hanging on to those broken things, either fix them or throw them out. Broken things equal a broken spirit. Allow yourself to take the time to take care of the little things that have been piling up, bills, paperwork, clear your mind of old tasks. Starting your new home with a clean slate will make it easier to attract the things you want in your life. Make sure you bring life into your space, meaning a plant or plants, DEAD PLANTS MUST GO, make sure you water and nourish them (plants represent life and growth). The color green represents prosperity, please be aware of how you treat the “green things” in your home. Avoid overbearing overpowering lighting as much as possible. Light is used as a tool, not to drown you out, don’t be a candle in the sun. If your home is drafty, make sure you seal those areas. Drafts take money from your home and cause health issues.
These are just some tips to get started. A great source to begin your feng shui environment is This site explains Bagua, which is a map of your home that breaks down each space in your home by areas in your life. For instance your entrance is the career/life path area, in order to bring what you want to that area you should use the color black in that area and put up pictures of people that you aspire to be like. The other areas that areas of Bagua are skills & knowledge, family & foundation, prosperity & abundance, fame & reputation, relationship & love, health, creativity & children, and helpful people & travel. All of which are explained on this website article and which are easy to transform into your life.
So in conclusion, it’s important that you map out your home correctly and understand exactly what it is you want for this process to be most effective. Feng Shui can have such a wonderful affect on your life and give you fast life changing results. The most important part to remember is that you must believe in what you are doing wholeheartedly and keep your mind and home clutter free.
02 March 2011
Divine Mind Monthly Giveaway!
It's the beginning of the month so I'm sure we are all writing those give away checks; we are taking care of living expenses, and hopefully putting a little aside to give to others and to ourselves. Well, now, every month, Divine Mind will be giving something away to one divine reader! A gift selected to help keep them on the path of powerful thinking and purposeful living.
For the month of March, readers can be entered to win a Premium Ticket to a Millionaire Mind Intensive in the city of their choice. This premium packages comes with bonuses like:
I have added some testimonials from some of my MMI graduate friends to the Reviews page! Also, you can watch my video about MMI on the Divine Mind Money Series (Part 3) post.
If you have questions about the rules for this giveaway, leave a comment or use the Contact page.
For the month of March, readers can be entered to win a Premium Ticket to a Millionaire Mind Intensive in the city of their choice. This premium packages comes with bonuses like:
- Seating in the upper level section, behind the VIP ticket holders
- An autographed copy of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
- An 165-Page Millionaire Mind Intensive Workbook
- The Secrets of the Rich10-CD Collection
- Click the "Follow this Blog" link in the Networked Blogs box located at the very top right of this page. (If you've already done it, you're one step ahead in the game!)
- Go to the "Divine Mind" personal blog page fan page, and "LIKE" the fan page.
- Make a post on the Divine Mind fan page wall that affirms, "I Have A Millionaire Mind!"
I have added some testimonials from some of my MMI graduate friends to the Reviews page! Also, you can watch my video about MMI on the Divine Mind Money Series (Part 3) post.
If you have questions about the rules for this giveaway, leave a comment or use the Contact page.
Get it? Got it? Good! GO GO GIVEAWAY!
28 February 2011
Stop Tryna Be More Spider Than A Spider
Okay, so, first I got me a new little part time gig today (Yay for me!). I'm a receptionist at a nail salon and spa. It's kinda like being a hostess or maitre'd at a restaurant, only its seating people for manicures and pedicures instead of meals. It's a little bit of an adjustment, but I like it.
So anywho, I get home from a full day of training and guess what greets me on my door....? A 3-day notice to pay rent or deliver possession. But wait, it's not even the 1st of the month you say? Well this letter isn't from my landlord, its from the Homeowner's Association and apparently, my landlord hasn't been paying her HOA fees, or her mortgage for that matter. As mad as I could be, and should be, I'm too tired to care about it tonight, so I grab a 6-pack of Yuengling Black and Tan, some pantyhose and heels for work tomorrow and head for my favorite think tank, my garden tub.
While in the tub, drinking beers and soaking my cares away, I notice that a spider has built a web in the space between the bottom of my toilet and the wall. Now, granted I don't like spiders, but I've been having an annoying case of gnats and fruit flies so I'm thinking, "This is GREAT", my new eight-legged friend can eat these fruit flies! No sooner did I come to this realization that two of those pesky little Bzzzers flew right past me. So, I decide, I'm going to help my spider by catching his meal for him.
Well, long story short, I damn near broke every mirror in my bathroom trying to catch this fly. I tried trapping them in cups, towels and blocking them with paper, to get them close to the web. The I tried using my computer screen to attract and kill one to drop onto his web. I succeeded in mushing one gnat, and even dropping him on Spidi's web, but he didn't even register anything had touch his web, it wasn't alive, and he was dependent on his web to do its job and catch his food, alive and viable.
Okay, so here's the big aHA I got from this experience, drunken in the tub, tryna be more spider than a spider.... sometimes we try to be more God than God, more Spirit than Spirit. more spider than a spider. We chase things down, damn near breaking every part of our lives and barely get excited about things just "dropped" onto our webs, that we didn't have to catch ourselves.....
Lest we forget that, Spirit has enabled us to build strong webs?
And with these webs, if we are only patient and methodical, like the spider, then we can trust what we need will land in the web, right?
Another thing, I noticed, is that whenever the flies did get close to the spider's web (naturally, without my "help"), that he would react immediately, scurrying quickly to try to grab this opportunity he could sense was close at hand, before it got away. When he didn't catch it, he just went back to waiting, patiently, for his web to do the job.
How quickly do we react to opportunities that we sense are near our web? How frustrated do we get when they allude us even though we did our best to capture them? Stop tryna be more spider than the spider, and just build a strong web. If you don't catch anything, perhaps build a bigger web. Then wait, and trust, something you need will fly into it.
I'm willing to bet my spider friend will have a meal by morning, with no assistance needed from me.
So anywho, I get home from a full day of training and guess what greets me on my door....? A 3-day notice to pay rent or deliver possession. But wait, it's not even the 1st of the month you say? Well this letter isn't from my landlord, its from the Homeowner's Association and apparently, my landlord hasn't been paying her HOA fees, or her mortgage for that matter. As mad as I could be, and should be, I'm too tired to care about it tonight, so I grab a 6-pack of Yuengling Black and Tan, some pantyhose and heels for work tomorrow and head for my favorite think tank, my garden tub.
While in the tub, drinking beers and soaking my cares away, I notice that a spider has built a web in the space between the bottom of my toilet and the wall. Now, granted I don't like spiders, but I've been having an annoying case of gnats and fruit flies so I'm thinking, "This is GREAT", my new eight-legged friend can eat these fruit flies! No sooner did I come to this realization that two of those pesky little Bzzzers flew right past me. So, I decide, I'm going to help my spider by catching his meal for him.
Well, long story short, I damn near broke every mirror in my bathroom trying to catch this fly. I tried trapping them in cups, towels and blocking them with paper, to get them close to the web. The I tried using my computer screen to attract and kill one to drop onto his web. I succeeded in mushing one gnat, and even dropping him on Spidi's web, but he didn't even register anything had touch his web, it wasn't alive, and he was dependent on his web to do its job and catch his food, alive and viable.
Okay, so here's the big aHA I got from this experience, drunken in the tub, tryna be more spider than a spider.... sometimes we try to be more God than God, more Spirit than Spirit. more spider than a spider. We chase things down, damn near breaking every part of our lives and barely get excited about things just "dropped" onto our webs, that we didn't have to catch ourselves.....
Lest we forget that, Spirit has enabled us to build strong webs?
And with these webs, if we are only patient and methodical, like the spider, then we can trust what we need will land in the web, right?
Another thing, I noticed, is that whenever the flies did get close to the spider's web (naturally, without my "help"), that he would react immediately, scurrying quickly to try to grab this opportunity he could sense was close at hand, before it got away. When he didn't catch it, he just went back to waiting, patiently, for his web to do the job.
How quickly do we react to opportunities that we sense are near our web? How frustrated do we get when they allude us even though we did our best to capture them? Stop tryna be more spider than the spider, and just build a strong web. If you don't catch anything, perhaps build a bigger web. Then wait, and trust, something you need will fly into it.
I'm willing to bet my spider friend will have a meal by morning, with no assistance needed from me.
27 February 2011
Forgive to Live: Being Unforgiving Can Be Fatal
The subject of forgiving and letting go had been continuously laid on my Spirit for days earlier last week. Forgiveness and releasing our hold on events, memories, and transgressions from the past is extremely vital, and yet can be so very difficult to do. I start each morning listening to "Touching the Stillness", a prayer and meditation radio show hosted by , Rev. Paulette Pipe on I subscribe to the podcast of Touching the Stillness, so I have all the shows archived in my iTunes. This particularly morning, with the Spirit of forgiveness and release heavy on my mind, I found a podcast titled, "Time to Take 'Em Off the Spit." I could tell this podcast would be just what I needed to hear to help me alleviate this pressure to let go of some things and forgive myself and others.
In the podcast, Rev. Paulette shared the story of a young woman who discovered that by not releasing and forgiving things from her past, she had inevitably been giving herself reoccurring bouts with Cancer! I would encourage you to take a listen to the entire podcast and just listen to what being unforgiving can do to us, as well as how healing forgiveness and letting go can be.
Lastly, I want to share this article, that was shared with me during a class I took last year. I am not sure who the original author of the piece is, but, anytime I find myself needing to forgive, either myself or others, I refer back to this piece. I use it to gauge whether I am truly able to "forgive and forget" according the guidelines that its sets for doing so. I believe that this piece encompasses the essence of what it means to truly forgive and forget. So I hope that it will be a help to you all, as it has been to me.
In the podcast, Rev. Paulette shared the story of a young woman who discovered that by not releasing and forgiving things from her past, she had inevitably been giving herself reoccurring bouts with Cancer! I would encourage you to take a listen to the entire podcast and just listen to what being unforgiving can do to us, as well as how healing forgiveness and letting go can be.
Lastly, I want to share this article, that was shared with me during a class I took last year. I am not sure who the original author of the piece is, but, anytime I find myself needing to forgive, either myself or others, I refer back to this piece. I use it to gauge whether I am truly able to "forgive and forget" according the guidelines that its sets for doing so. I believe that this piece encompasses the essence of what it means to truly forgive and forget. So I hope that it will be a help to you all, as it has been to me.
22 February 2011
12 Steps of Spiritual Freedom
From the February 2011 Issue of Horizons Magazine
12 Steps of Spiritual Freedom by Rev. Tom Sannar
- Recognition - God is First. I recognize that there is an Infinite Power and Presence greater than I am. This Presence is on purpose and knows the answers to all of my questions and has the ability and the willingness to fulfill all of my desires.
- Unification - I unify my consciousness with the consciousness of God. I am willing in total faith and trust to allow Spirit to guide me and direct me in my daily affairs.
- Willingness To Change - I am willing to assess my life, to honestly look at and face all my fears.
- Dominion - I take dominion and responsibility for my life. I give up blame and judgment. I accept myself and all others.
- I Live On Principle - I know that I am a Spiritual Being. I live my life with honesty and integrity.
- I Live On Purpose - I am willing to commit to the process of purposeful living. As I discover my purpose and live it with courage, I am transformed.
- Forgiveness - I forgive myself for any past mistakes and I forgive all others who I think have harmed me.
- Positively Present - I maintain a positive attitude, regardless of what is occurring in my life. I know that behind every seeming crisis, there is opportunity for good.
- Persistence - I persist through faith. I maintain focus and discipline.
- Service - I know that the floodgates of opportunity open wide by my giving myself in unconditional service to others.
- Gratitude - I am grateful for my life and all aspects of my life. I see all people as the goodness of Spirit in form.
- Tithing - I come to understand and embody the principle of tithing, so that I freely and unconditionally give one tenth of my time, my treasure, and my talent to my spiritual source.
"Expect a Miracle. You are divinely guided in all that you do."
19 February 2011
Learning to Be Like Water - Go With the Flow
Last night, while I was out feeding a Sushi craving, my internet signal was mysteriously losing connection. I returned home to an Internet Marketer's (and Facebook/Twitter Junkie) worst nightmare, NO INTERNET! *gasp*
Of course, I immediately called Comcast customer service, went through their troubleshooting process, twice, to no avail. The situation was made even more nightmarish when I was told that I would have to wait for a technician to be sent out to check the connection......on TUESDAY! "TUESDAY", I exclaimed, " This is unacceptable!" I was told that was the earliest appointment and if anyone could be sent sooner, they would call. By this point I am highly upset. The Divas over at Diva Money Club were doing an Internet Marketing/Real Estate Investing Q&A webinar that I had been looking forward to attending all week, and it was going live in less than hour. Not to mention all the other work, and tweets, I wanted to get to that night. My grind had been halted and I was powerless to restart it.
This morning, I tried speaking to a manager at comcast, I tried contacting dispatch myself and offering to pay someone to come out, still I was told, Tuesday. *sigh* So fine, after a moment of stillness and meditation, I faced my only solution given the circumstances, a 1.5 mile walk, yes WALK, to Panera Bread so I could use their net.
The walk actually wasn't so bad, if it wasn't for the additional 10 pounds my laptop and folders added, it would have probably much more enjoyable. As a silver lining, during my walk, I discovered a nearby pilates studio, a Moe's Southwestern Grill, and a Planned Parenthood, three very important establishments to be aware were within walking distance. Finally, when I got my Panera, I settled in the meeting room, unpacked my computer and no sooner had I got it booted up, did the manager come in and announce that the room was reserved from 11:30am to 2:30pm....It was 12:30pm and no reservation sign had been posted. Annoying. The diner across from me, looked at me and said, "Well you didn't get to settle in long, huh?" I replied, " That seems to be the theme of the day, so I've decided to just go with it, and be like water." He said, " Go with the flow." Indeed.
I got rearranged, got signed onto the Panera-Net, and was alerted that there is a 30 minute time limit for the internet between 11:30am and 1:30 pm. Learning to be like water....the lesson continues....
Of course, I immediately called Comcast customer service, went through their troubleshooting process, twice, to no avail. The situation was made even more nightmarish when I was told that I would have to wait for a technician to be sent out to check the connection......on TUESDAY! "TUESDAY", I exclaimed, " This is unacceptable!" I was told that was the earliest appointment and if anyone could be sent sooner, they would call. By this point I am highly upset. The Divas over at Diva Money Club were doing an Internet Marketing/Real Estate Investing Q&A webinar that I had been looking forward to attending all week, and it was going live in less than hour. Not to mention all the other work, and tweets, I wanted to get to that night. My grind had been halted and I was powerless to restart it.
This morning, I tried speaking to a manager at comcast, I tried contacting dispatch myself and offering to pay someone to come out, still I was told, Tuesday. *sigh* So fine, after a moment of stillness and meditation, I faced my only solution given the circumstances, a 1.5 mile walk, yes WALK, to Panera Bread so I could use their net.
The walk actually wasn't so bad, if it wasn't for the additional 10 pounds my laptop and folders added, it would have probably much more enjoyable. As a silver lining, during my walk, I discovered a nearby pilates studio, a Moe's Southwestern Grill, and a Planned Parenthood, three very important establishments to be aware were within walking distance. Finally, when I got my Panera, I settled in the meeting room, unpacked my computer and no sooner had I got it booted up, did the manager come in and announce that the room was reserved from 11:30am to 2:30pm....It was 12:30pm and no reservation sign had been posted. Annoying. The diner across from me, looked at me and said, "Well you didn't get to settle in long, huh?" I replied, " That seems to be the theme of the day, so I've decided to just go with it, and be like water." He said, " Go with the flow." Indeed.
I got rearranged, got signed onto the Panera-Net, and was alerted that there is a 30 minute time limit for the internet between 11:30am and 1:30 pm. Learning to be like water....the lesson continues....
15 February 2011
Multi-Taskers Anonymous (Part 2)
Last night, in classic multi-tasking addict fashion, I decided that I was going to...1) Take a bath 2) Eat cheese and crackers 3) Drink sparkling wine and 4) Watch a Ustream broadcast on my laptop, all at the same time. Everything was going fine until I had to get out of the tub to grab something and when I did, I tipped the glass of wine ever so slightly, and watched as it tumbled right onto my laptop.
So, now, the keyboard on my laptop is shot, some letters don't work, some letters type other letters, some type double, and backspace doesn't work at all. I had to go out and purchase a plug and play keyboard because using the on-screen click keyboard was bound to have my carpal tunnel totally pissed at me. I'm just thankful the computer still works.
Moral of the story: Your multitasking addiction can cost you. Choose wisely. If you missed my Part 1 of this post you can view it here:Multi-Taskers Anonymous (Part 1)
So, now, the keyboard on my laptop is shot, some letters don't work, some letters type other letters, some type double, and backspace doesn't work at all. I had to go out and purchase a plug and play keyboard because using the on-screen click keyboard was bound to have my carpal tunnel totally pissed at me. I'm just thankful the computer still works.
Moral of the story: Your multitasking addiction can cost you. Choose wisely. If you missed my Part 1 of this post you can view it here:Multi-Taskers Anonymous (Part 1)
10 February 2011
Divine Mind Money Series (Part 5 - Final Entry)
This is the final entry in the Divine Mind Money Series. The purpose of the Divine Mind Money Series has been to share programs that have helped me in regards to money. It is my sincerest hope that it has been a benefit to each person who has taken the time to read it. I appreciate all of your comments, shares, and follows. Please keep them coming!
First, if you missed the Ask Harv Live Webinar that I posted about in Part 3 of the series, it is now available for replay here Ask Harv Live: Creating Multiple Streams of Income I would HIGHLY encourage you to check it out! T Harv Eker is a straightforward, no nonsense kind of finance trainer, and any suggestion he makes is tried and true, you can believe that! I don't know how long the replay will be available so go watch it now while you can. I'll wait . . . .
The other program I wanted share with everyone in this final edition of the Divine Mind Money Series, is something I'm almost certain everyone can and should take a look at and that is, Credit Restoration.
I use to be terrified to even look at my credit report, I knew it wasn't pretty so why bother myself with the stress of seeing the mess I knew I had created. Well, while that may be true, it is also true that many credit reports contain errors or have items that are misreported. Especially if you have been through a divorce, it's possible you could be paying for your ex-spouse's debts and not even know it. Regardless of your credit situation, credit history is one of the most important things in this country (the U.S.) it determines just about everything including now whether or not you can be hired for certain jobs.
I recently came across a credit restoration program that was unlike any I had seen before. They offer transparent assistance, allowing you to stay abreast of how your credit repair case is progressing, they charge no advance fees to work on your report, you only pay for items that are successfully deleted, updated to positive status or cease reporting, and they offered a free affiliate program which allows clients to earn extra income by sharing the programs with others. The name of the company is Credit MRI and I am both a client and an affiliate. As promised, I have not paid any fees, and my restoration is in the beginning stages of disputes.
It was very easy to get started with the Credit MRI program, and the short video really explains it all. I have regular contact with the representative working my case and he takes the time to answer all my questions which is great. If you have been wanting to get a handle on your credit, I think this is definitely a service that is worth checking out. Once you get signed up as a client, don't forget to check out the Affiliates page as well. It's a great program that has the potential to be an excellent passive income stream once you get it going.
And so, this completes the Divine Mind Money Series! If you have gotten value from it, I do hope that you will share the posts with your friends on your Facebook or Twitter pages. It has been my great pleasure to share these programs with the public and hopefully we will all be getting our money right soon! Start Now! Take Action! and just Don't Give Up!
First, if you missed the Ask Harv Live Webinar that I posted about in Part 3 of the series, it is now available for replay here Ask Harv Live: Creating Multiple Streams of Income I would HIGHLY encourage you to check it out! T Harv Eker is a straightforward, no nonsense kind of finance trainer, and any suggestion he makes is tried and true, you can believe that! I don't know how long the replay will be available so go watch it now while you can. I'll wait . . . .
The other program I wanted share with everyone in this final edition of the Divine Mind Money Series, is something I'm almost certain everyone can and should take a look at and that is, Credit Restoration.
I use to be terrified to even look at my credit report, I knew it wasn't pretty so why bother myself with the stress of seeing the mess I knew I had created. Well, while that may be true, it is also true that many credit reports contain errors or have items that are misreported. Especially if you have been through a divorce, it's possible you could be paying for your ex-spouse's debts and not even know it. Regardless of your credit situation, credit history is one of the most important things in this country (the U.S.) it determines just about everything including now whether or not you can be hired for certain jobs.
I recently came across a credit restoration program that was unlike any I had seen before. They offer transparent assistance, allowing you to stay abreast of how your credit repair case is progressing, they charge no advance fees to work on your report, you only pay for items that are successfully deleted, updated to positive status or cease reporting, and they offered a free affiliate program which allows clients to earn extra income by sharing the programs with others. The name of the company is Credit MRI and I am both a client and an affiliate. As promised, I have not paid any fees, and my restoration is in the beginning stages of disputes.
It was very easy to get started with the Credit MRI program, and the short video really explains it all. I have regular contact with the representative working my case and he takes the time to answer all my questions which is great. If you have been wanting to get a handle on your credit, I think this is definitely a service that is worth checking out. Once you get signed up as a client, don't forget to check out the Affiliates page as well. It's a great program that has the potential to be an excellent passive income stream once you get it going.
And so, this completes the Divine Mind Money Series! If you have gotten value from it, I do hope that you will share the posts with your friends on your Facebook or Twitter pages. It has been my great pleasure to share these programs with the public and hopefully we will all be getting our money right soon! Start Now! Take Action! and just Don't Give Up!
09 February 2011
Divine Mind Money Series (Part 4)
Welcome back to the Divine Mind Money Series! The purpose of this series is to share different programs and strategies that have helped me in regards to money. In Part 1, I brought you the Diva Money Club. In Part 2, I shared my investment strategy with Lending Club. I talked about how to cultivate your Millionaire Money Mindset in Part 3. Today is about an important element, that runs hand and hand with your money mindset and that is.... money management habits.
I'm not going use the foul "B" word that ends in "udget", instead, I'll show you how I've been taught to use what I have and make the most of it. First, I use, to track my income and spending. was created by the makers of finance software like Quicken and Quickbooks and it gives up-to-date tabs on your money and reports back to you in real time. All you have to do is add your online banking accounts (its secure and encrypted, like I said its from the Quickbooks people) and the site will do the rest. You can also add debts like credit cards, car payments, loan payments, etc., as well as, investments such as those with Lending Club and it will track those as well and calculate your net worth based on the information given.
Once all your information is linked into, you can use it to track all your spending, categorize it, and it will enable you to see where your money goes so you can regulate yourself without the pressure of being on a ....yeah you know the word. If you like having a "B word", offers a section for you to create one.
The other money management system that I want to share, is something else I learned from T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book and the Millionaire Mind Intensive that I talked about in Part 3 of this series. It's called the "Jars System" but you can use shoe boxes, envelopes, prepaid debit cards, or any combination of these. Here's the basics of how it works, every single bit of money you have, down to the cent, and any money that comes in should be allocated like this (or some variation thereof):
I'm not going use the foul "B" word that ends in "udget", instead, I'll show you how I've been taught to use what I have and make the most of it. First, I use, to track my income and spending. was created by the makers of finance software like Quicken and Quickbooks and it gives up-to-date tabs on your money and reports back to you in real time. All you have to do is add your online banking accounts (its secure and encrypted, like I said its from the Quickbooks people) and the site will do the rest. You can also add debts like credit cards, car payments, loan payments, etc., as well as, investments such as those with Lending Club and it will track those as well and calculate your net worth based on the information given.
Once all your information is linked into, you can use it to track all your spending, categorize it, and it will enable you to see where your money goes so you can regulate yourself without the pressure of being on a ....yeah you know the word. If you like having a "B word", offers a section for you to create one.
The other money management system that I want to share, is something else I learned from T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book and the Millionaire Mind Intensive that I talked about in Part 3 of this series. It's called the "Jars System" but you can use shoe boxes, envelopes, prepaid debit cards, or any combination of these. Here's the basics of how it works, every single bit of money you have, down to the cent, and any money that comes in should be allocated like this (or some variation thereof):
55% Necessities (Your Living Expenses, Rent, Utilities, Car payment,etc)
10% Financial Freedom Fund (Invested for Financial Freedom)
10% Long Term Savings for Spending (Savings for BIG purchases, like the washer and dryer)
10% Education (For investing in your self development, like books, classes, etc)
10% Play (Your "You Can Have Whatever You Like" money)
5% Give ( For your favorite charity, cause, or random acts of kindness)
It does not matter if you have $1.00; $10.00 or $1,000.00; the point here is to get into the habit of managing your money. If you can manage $1.00 properly, you will be showing the Universe/God that you can be trusted with more. Start NOW! Take whatever you have, no matter how much or little and allocate it into your labeled jars, envelopes, or whatever you're using. If you see that you need more toward your necessities, you have 2 options: Focus on downsizing, maybe selling the car you can't afford, or cutting up those credit cards OR focus on ways to bring in more income, perhaps by visiting the Diva Money Club for ideas. Whatever you do, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT focus on how much you DO NOT have or the bills! That is a sure-fire way to only attract more lack. Focus on creating more and more will come.
Now as I said, the % are just a guideline, My personal money management system looks like this:
40% Living Expenses
20% Debt Repayments
10% Investing (My Financial Freedom Account)
10% Business/Education
15% Me Money
5% Give
Just remember, Start Now! The HABIT is more important than the amount!
Also, if you haven't already, head over to my "Recommended Reading" Section at the bottom right on this page and get a copy of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" AND Register for a Millionaire Mind Intensive near you! Yes! I think it's that awesome.
08 February 2011
Divine Mind Money Series (Part 3)
06 February 2011
Divine Mind Money Series (Part 2)
Good Sunday Morning! This is the second installment of the Divine Mind Money series, where my aim is to share the different programs that have helped me in regards to money. Yesterday, I posted about the Diva Money Club, which was created by four Divas, on a mission to coach others to replace their salary in 12 months or less...with multiple streams of income. Today, I bring you my money investment secret weapon, Lending Club. I know, another club, right? Well this Club is for those who want to grow their money passively! I don't "save" money anymore. I only invest. Why? Because bank interest rates are CRAP! Let's just call it like it is. Unless you have $100,000 in your account at all time, your bank interest is not going to grant you much return and even then there's a better way to get the return you deserve.
The basics of Lending Club breaks down to this: People need loans for things like credit card consolidation, major purchases, etc. Instead of trying to get this loan from big banker, they turn to peer lenders (that's us!) to fund their loans, known to us as "notes". Multiple lenders invest in their loan until the loan amount requested is fulfilled. As payments on the loan come in, the investors receive their principal back (the initial investment) plus interest.
Let's take a real example:
This is a screen shot from my actual Lending Club account. This is one of the twenty notes I'm invested in. You can see in the box on the left, it shows the date the loan was issued, the amount I invested ($25 is the minimum amount you can invest in any note), the total loan amount, the interest rate, the loan term (in this case 3 years, some run 5 years) and the status of the loan (current, late, defaulted). In the box on the right, it shows my last payment, how many total payments I've received so far, and then break downs how much of each payment received went towards my $25 principal and how much towards the interest.
This box tells me when to expect my next payment, how many payments are left in the term and how much I will have received one the loan term is fulfilled, The date of my final payment, and how much of my $25 principal is still outstanding.
The basics of Lending Club breaks down to this: People need loans for things like credit card consolidation, major purchases, etc. Instead of trying to get this loan from big banker, they turn to peer lenders (that's us!) to fund their loans, known to us as "notes". Multiple lenders invest in their loan until the loan amount requested is fulfilled. As payments on the loan come in, the investors receive their principal back (the initial investment) plus interest.
Let's take a real example:
This is a screen shot from my actual Lending Club account. This is one of the twenty notes I'm invested in. You can see in the box on the left, it shows the date the loan was issued, the amount I invested ($25 is the minimum amount you can invest in any note), the total loan amount, the interest rate, the loan term (in this case 3 years, some run 5 years) and the status of the loan (current, late, defaulted). In the box on the right, it shows my last payment, how many total payments I've received so far, and then break downs how much of each payment received went towards my $25 principal and how much towards the interest.
This box tells me when to expect my next payment, how many payments are left in the term and how much I will have received one the loan term is fulfilled, The date of my final payment, and how much of my $25 principal is still outstanding.
This is my overall account summary. It show my Net Annualized Return, as it stands right now, this number fluctuates as payments from my various notes come in. Since I started, my return % has stayed around 14%. The middle box shows the total interest I've received so far, and under that my total payment received. The box on the far right is my account total which equals my outstanding principal, the outstanding interest accrued and available cash from payments received (which can be withdrawn to my bank, or saved until it reaches $25 for reinvestment.)
The great things about Lending Club is that you only need $25 to get started. The concept of peer lending is easy to understand, at least for me. I could never really get into stocks and mutual funds because I just don't understand how they work, and I like to think of myself as a pretty intelligent person. Lending Club does all the pre-screening of the borrowers and will share you, as the potential lender, relevant information such are credit score range, current employment and monthly income, and also their debt to income ratio. Potential lenders are also able to ask borrowers questions before decided to throw money in their pot. I also like that the investment terms are not super long, only 3 to 5 years. I don't have to wait 20 years for a good return!
Bottom Line, I love Lending Club, and I definitely think it is a service worth checking out.
05 February 2011
Divine Mind Money Series (Part 1)
Yes, Yes, Yes, the good 'ol green stuff. Almost everyone is, chasing it, losing it, spending it, hoarding it, or wishing they had more of it! Because of this, I decided to do a series of blogs to share some of the programs that have really helped me in regards to money.
First, let me state plainly that I am NOT a 9-5er. I really can't remember the last time I had a J-O-B (Just Over Broke) for more than a month or so. I do not like being on anyone's clock and I feel that nobody can pay me the value that I can earn on my own. Now, this is not to say I am currently rolling in the dough, but one thing I can say, is that I have absolute TIME FREEDOM. I do what I want, when I want. I go where I want, when I want. I never have to ask for anyone's permission or count vacation days or constantly using the excuse, "I can't. I have to work". Just in the last 3 months or so, I've been home for Thanksgiving and Christmas for about a week each, a 3-day conference in Fort Lauderdale, spent 4 days in Tampa, on my way to Orlando this coming week, then a day trip to Miami coming the weekend after I get back from Orlando, and plans to go back Tampa later this month. This for me is priceless, and regardless of if I have $10,000 in the bank or $1.00, I refuse to give up my time freedom for so called, "job security".
Luckily, I have found that I'm not alone in this and in fact, the ladies over at, "Diva Money Club" have put together a phenomenal program to assist those like me who wish to make their own salary, from their own efforts and with, "Divatude!" Fellas, don't be discouraged, you are welcome over at Diva Money Club as well! In fact I have seen many men commenting on the various videos that these Madames of Multiple Income have put together. Let me tell you the videos are just plain terrific and anyone who is or wants to replace their 9-5 with other income sources will be able to identify with the stories of one or more of these ladies.
To gain access to their awesome video series, just sign up at the Diva Money Club main website and they will be sent to you. The Divas also have a blog with a wealth of information on things like how to get started in blogging, marketing, goal setting, and real estate investing. They also offer a Platinum Diva's Club. I have to admit that Diva Susan really set a fire under me in her video, and I recently launched my first affiliate marketing campaign because of her story and the tips that she shared (You can watch it yourself in Diva Video #2).
So, If you're tired of working for someone else, or even if you love your job but just want more time for yourself and the things and people you love, then I'd encourage you to check out the Diva Money Club
First, let me state plainly that I am NOT a 9-5er. I really can't remember the last time I had a J-O-B (Just Over Broke) for more than a month or so. I do not like being on anyone's clock and I feel that nobody can pay me the value that I can earn on my own. Now, this is not to say I am currently rolling in the dough, but one thing I can say, is that I have absolute TIME FREEDOM. I do what I want, when I want. I go where I want, when I want. I never have to ask for anyone's permission or count vacation days or constantly using the excuse, "I can't. I have to work". Just in the last 3 months or so, I've been home for Thanksgiving and Christmas for about a week each, a 3-day conference in Fort Lauderdale, spent 4 days in Tampa, on my way to Orlando this coming week, then a day trip to Miami coming the weekend after I get back from Orlando, and plans to go back Tampa later this month. This for me is priceless, and regardless of if I have $10,000 in the bank or $1.00, I refuse to give up my time freedom for so called, "job security".
Luckily, I have found that I'm not alone in this and in fact, the ladies over at, "Diva Money Club" have put together a phenomenal program to assist those like me who wish to make their own salary, from their own efforts and with, "Divatude!" Fellas, don't be discouraged, you are welcome over at Diva Money Club as well! In fact I have seen many men commenting on the various videos that these Madames of Multiple Income have put together. Let me tell you the videos are just plain terrific and anyone who is or wants to replace their 9-5 with other income sources will be able to identify with the stories of one or more of these ladies.
To gain access to their awesome video series, just sign up at the Diva Money Club main website and they will be sent to you. The Divas also have a blog with a wealth of information on things like how to get started in blogging, marketing, goal setting, and real estate investing. They also offer a Platinum Diva's Club. I have to admit that Diva Susan really set a fire under me in her video, and I recently launched my first affiliate marketing campaign because of her story and the tips that she shared (You can watch it yourself in Diva Video #2).
So, If you're tired of working for someone else, or even if you love your job but just want more time for yourself and the things and people you love, then I'd encourage you to check out the Diva Money Club
04 February 2011
The Return of the Gentlemen
Back on the 28th of January, I blogged about the "Pretty Girls Rock Dresses" Challenge that kicks off on March 1st. I am still super excited about this campaign and I was even more thrilled to discover that there was an equal challenge for the men titled, "The Year of the Gentlemen - Return of the Gentlemen".
The guidelines are similar to those of the ladies challenge; for the men to commit to dressing up at least 3 times a week, polished shoes, sports coats, proper grooming and no athletic gear and saggin pants! Beyond this, the fellas commit to bringing back the art of chivalry, courtship, class, and savoir-faire. This challenge is about more than just dressing the part, but rekindling the true nature of manhood: honor, leadership, responsibility, and respect, many qualities that do seem to be lacking in an overwhelming sector of men (or should I say man-sized boys) these days.
There is a facebook group and facebook event page dedicated to the challenge and membership is open to everyone, including ladies who would like to show their support, and gratitude, for what hopefully will emerge as new, refined, breed of gentlemen that will stand up tall and be the role models we have all been seeking for our sons, and the gentleman we can trust with the hand, and hearts of our daughters.
The guidelines are similar to those of the ladies challenge; for the men to commit to dressing up at least 3 times a week, polished shoes, sports coats, proper grooming and no athletic gear and saggin pants! Beyond this, the fellas commit to bringing back the art of chivalry, courtship, class, and savoir-faire. This challenge is about more than just dressing the part, but rekindling the true nature of manhood: honor, leadership, responsibility, and respect, many qualities that do seem to be lacking in an overwhelming sector of men (or should I say man-sized boys) these days.
There is a facebook group and facebook event page dedicated to the challenge and membership is open to everyone, including ladies who would like to show their support, and gratitude, for what hopefully will emerge as new, refined, breed of gentlemen that will stand up tall and be the role models we have all been seeking for our sons, and the gentleman we can trust with the hand, and hearts of our daughters.
02 February 2011
Multi-Taskers' Anonymous (My 1st Video Blog :)
Are you ADDICTED to Multitasking? You're not alone, here are some tips to help calm the craving!
Also, Divine Mind Success Newsletter is coming soon to an inbox near you! Sign up now!
31 January 2011
GodSpeak . . . Are you Listening?
This is somewhat of a follow up to my post yesterday, ManSpeak.
For many women, the language of men, is another language indeed. They may as well be speaking Klignon mixed with Kryptonese. At times, I feel like no matter how much I study the male mind, listen in on barbershop conversations, and read Steve Harvey books, my female mind, as divine as it is, just will never fully grasps the simplicities of ManSpeak. Likewise, understanding GodSpeak, can prove to be difficult, however, I've found that it is far easier to decipher once one dedicates themselves to listening in the right way and for the right response.
For example, meditation, intuition, sudden thoughts, these are all ways that God, Spirit, Divine, whatever you want to call or not call it, speaks to us. The main key though, that many of us fail to add into the equation, is that you have to know the subject of the conversation. There's no point in sitting in silence, expecting to "hear" something if you don't even know what you are listening for. That's like getting ready to run a track race, or a swim race, and not knowing that the gunshot starts the race...or being in a nascar race and not knowing that the checkered flag means last lap. If you don't know that the checkered flag means last lap, you will keep driving, or in this case, you'll totally miss your guidance, your answer, because you just didn't know what to listen or look for so you could recognize it when it showed up.
I'm using all this metaphorical analogies to say this, First you have to ASK. Yes, God knows the intentions and desires of your heart, but you still have to come out with it and ASK.Then, when you ask God, Spirit, Divine, whatever, a question, or ask to receive something, EXPECT a reply that directly correlates to exactly what you asked. Just like if you went online and ordered a product, you expect it to show up at your door, when you ask something of God, expect it to come, be on the lookout for it, or it just may pass you by without you even noticing.
For many women, the language of men, is another language indeed. They may as well be speaking Klignon mixed with Kryptonese. At times, I feel like no matter how much I study the male mind, listen in on barbershop conversations, and read Steve Harvey books, my female mind, as divine as it is, just will never fully grasps the simplicities of ManSpeak. Likewise, understanding GodSpeak, can prove to be difficult, however, I've found that it is far easier to decipher once one dedicates themselves to listening in the right way and for the right response.
For example, meditation, intuition, sudden thoughts, these are all ways that God, Spirit, Divine, whatever you want to call or not call it, speaks to us. The main key though, that many of us fail to add into the equation, is that you have to know the subject of the conversation. There's no point in sitting in silence, expecting to "hear" something if you don't even know what you are listening for. That's like getting ready to run a track race, or a swim race, and not knowing that the gunshot starts the race...or being in a nascar race and not knowing that the checkered flag means last lap. If you don't know that the checkered flag means last lap, you will keep driving, or in this case, you'll totally miss your guidance, your answer, because you just didn't know what to listen or look for so you could recognize it when it showed up.
I'm using all this metaphorical analogies to say this, First you have to ASK. Yes, God knows the intentions and desires of your heart, but you still have to come out with it and ASK.Then, when you ask God, Spirit, Divine, whatever, a question, or ask to receive something, EXPECT a reply that directly correlates to exactly what you asked. Just like if you went online and ordered a product, you expect it to show up at your door, when you ask something of God, expect it to come, be on the lookout for it, or it just may pass you by without you even noticing.
30 January 2011
So today seemed to be a day that all my ladies were tryna understand the men, and all the men gave up on trying to understand the ladies, HA! I spent a great portion of the day chatting with a male friend about how the men I've been encountering lately have a tendency to say one thing, things that sound great....but then they act in complete opposition to what they say.
For example, had a young man contact me this past Friday, said he wanted to see me and take me out. I told him to plan a date and let me know what time to be ready. Later that evening, he calls and pretty much cancels the date. Ok, you got off work a little late (8:30pm, not really late but whatever), I'll let it slide. Well the next day, we end up making dinner plans again, to see each other at 8, and at 7:30 he texts me, canceling once again. Okay....last I checked, YOU contacted ME bro, so what is really up with that?
My friend told me that guys these days are used to women who will chase them, sit on hold for them, and just otherwise cater to their every whim. Well...I'm no puppet, so that's not going to work. I definitely want some companionship, but not that damn bad.
Fellas step ya game up, Ladies, make them.
For example, had a young man contact me this past Friday, said he wanted to see me and take me out. I told him to plan a date and let me know what time to be ready. Later that evening, he calls and pretty much cancels the date. Ok, you got off work a little late (8:30pm, not really late but whatever), I'll let it slide. Well the next day, we end up making dinner plans again, to see each other at 8, and at 7:30 he texts me, canceling once again. Okay....last I checked, YOU contacted ME bro, so what is really up with that?
My friend told me that guys these days are used to women who will chase them, sit on hold for them, and just otherwise cater to their every whim. Well...I'm no puppet, so that's not going to work. I definitely want some companionship, but not that damn bad.
Fellas step ya game up, Ladies, make them.
28 January 2011
Pretty Girls Rock Dresses Challenge
So my Iota Soror put me on to this and I'm so super hyped....I don't even know why, but I am.
The Queens over at 6FootBombshell have issued a challenge to all the Ladies, encouraging the rebirth of femininity, grace, poise, and all things pretty girl. You can visit their site for more details, but the basic challenge is starting March 1st, we will wear dresses and heels like our grandmothers did back in the day, at least 3 times a week...if you can't do heels, do ballet flats, clogs, sandals (not flip flops), or some other dainty footwear.
There is a facebook group for the challenge and anyone is welcome to join! Pretty Girls Rock "Dresses" Facebook Group
Join and share, I think it's going to be fun and a great excuse to go shopping!
The Queens over at 6FootBombshell have issued a challenge to all the Ladies, encouraging the rebirth of femininity, grace, poise, and all things pretty girl. You can visit their site for more details, but the basic challenge is starting March 1st, we will wear dresses and heels like our grandmothers did back in the day, at least 3 times a week...if you can't do heels, do ballet flats, clogs, sandals (not flip flops), or some other dainty footwear.
There is a facebook group for the challenge and anyone is welcome to join! Pretty Girls Rock "Dresses" Facebook Group
Join and share, I think it's going to be fun and a great excuse to go shopping!
27 January 2011
Lesson 6: Declaration
I am on lesson six of Simpleology's course, "Dr. Joe Vitale Teaches the Law of Attraction" and today's lesson was about declaring what one does want, after identifying what one does not one. The point being, to focus on the destination and not the current location. This lesson was very effective at coaching me to stretch my ideas of what I thought I wanted, forcing me to dream a little bigger, want just a little more, and finally compiling it all into one succinct declaration of intention.
Here's what I had written when the process was complete, written in the present tense:
"I have a passive income of $250,000 annually, which allows me to be financially free, have excellent credit, own a beautiful home in an upscale neighborhood, enjoy a fabulous fairy tale romantic relationship with my honest, loyal, and responsible African American Prince, and I am able to give my son everything he needs and wants and more, while still being able to do the things that I want, when I want and only work if I choose to. I have all this and better."
And So It Is.
Here's what I had written when the process was complete, written in the present tense:
"I have a passive income of $250,000 annually, which allows me to be financially free, have excellent credit, own a beautiful home in an upscale neighborhood, enjoy a fabulous fairy tale romantic relationship with my honest, loyal, and responsible African American Prince, and I am able to give my son everything he needs and wants and more, while still being able to do the things that I want, when I want and only work if I choose to. I have all this and better."
And So It Is.
26 January 2011
Do The Hustle
After listening to many of my college educated, highly skilled, and super talented friends talk about difficulty finding a job, and then recently having the experience of being offered a job that was later rescinded, I've come to the conclusion that, we are living in a new era. This generation is going to have to get use to learning to hustle; being a go-get-it, self-starting, free-lancing, on-the-grind hustler. The old world of job applications and interviews is never coming back, so let's accept it, and move on. Now is the time, to take that, "I wish I could be/do...", and BE and DO IT! You've been waiting for, "one day" or the "right time" well guess what, it has arrived. Hope you're ready, and if you're not, oh well, you're already behind so, catch up.
As a mother, I'm feeling the pressure to make sure that my son has the know how to be able to turn his talents into a viable career for himself on his own terms. I'm working hard to eliminate, "I can't" from his vocabulary. If I don't, his future will be bleak and he'll have me to blame. Granted, my son is only 5, but there is no guarantee that a job will be waiting for him and a college degree means nothing these days so I'm not even going to bother saving for it for him. Nah, I'd rather save up to send him to Peak Potentials school, than to university...and that's speaking from experience.
Bottom line, get on your grind, whatever industry you're in or want to be in, find a way to employ yourself now before the lay off notices arrives, because you can bet your 401K, it's coming. . .
As a mother, I'm feeling the pressure to make sure that my son has the know how to be able to turn his talents into a viable career for himself on his own terms. I'm working hard to eliminate, "I can't" from his vocabulary. If I don't, his future will be bleak and he'll have me to blame. Granted, my son is only 5, but there is no guarantee that a job will be waiting for him and a college degree means nothing these days so I'm not even going to bother saving for it for him. Nah, I'd rather save up to send him to Peak Potentials school, than to university...and that's speaking from experience.
Bottom line, get on your grind, whatever industry you're in or want to be in, find a way to employ yourself now before the lay off notices arrives, because you can bet your 401K, it's coming. . .
25 January 2011
Looks weird but tastes GREAT! My new all natural energy drink and its Daniel Fast friendly!
100% Vitamin A 80% Vitamin C 4% Calcium 8% Iron 50% B12 30% B6 (and a partridge in a pear tree) |
24 January 2011
The Spirit of this Morning is Upon Me
Perhaps it is because I am fasting (Day 5 of 21), and my body is more aware and sensitive to Spirit vibrations. All I know is that as I lay in my bed this morning, before opening my eyes, I could literally feel the movement (and weight) of Spirit over and around me. I said in my head, "God is here right now, I feel it." Outside my window, there was no noise at all, I heard no cars hurrying to work, I heard no grinding from the lawn crew that is usually up and att'em keeping the grounds early in the morning. Everything was still, and as the scripture says, "Be still and know..." It was literally as if someone pressed pause on the world around me, quite amazing and difficult to really express in words.
I am eager to receive what this day has in store. With such a powerful morning, I expect powerful and miraculous movement today. Whatever is mine to do, I walk the path with gratitude and ethereal awareness.
I am eager to receive what this day has in store. With such a powerful morning, I expect powerful and miraculous movement today. Whatever is mine to do, I walk the path with gratitude and ethereal awareness.
23 January 2011
Sun Day of Being
Today was easy like...well.... Sunday morning. My thermostat stopped working so I woke up to an icebox where my floor use to be, (so cold, so cold, so cold) but thankfully I live in South Florida, so even though my tile was freezing, the outside was very nice. The Sunday bus schedule is so limited that getting to church would have been like that movie "16 Blocks", but again, thankfully, the church I would have attended, has a live UStream broadcast, so I was able to attend virtually, from the warmth my bed.
After services, I tackled a few more things that were left on my Simpleology target list including shredding some papers, the a/c guy came and fixed the thermostat, and I went for a walk around the block, just to get out.
All and all, it was a simple Sun Day of Being. Tonight I'm going to brave another chapter of , "Thought Vibration" by William Walker Atkinson. It was written in the early 1900's, so while it has very good insight on the Law of Attraction, it can be very dense reading because of the old school language.
Its okay, I welcome the challenge.
After services, I tackled a few more things that were left on my Simpleology target list including shredding some papers, the a/c guy came and fixed the thermostat, and I went for a walk around the block, just to get out.
All and all, it was a simple Sun Day of Being. Tonight I'm going to brave another chapter of , "Thought Vibration" by William Walker Atkinson. It was written in the early 1900's, so while it has very good insight on the Law of Attraction, it can be very dense reading because of the old school language.
Its okay, I welcome the challenge.
22 January 2011
Vibration, Meditation, and Visualization (Oh My!)
Today is the 3rd day of a 21- day period of fasting, personal reflection and meditation. Recent events in my life have called for the need for me to eliminate the "noise" in my life; to reevaluate what I want, and what is mine to do at this time in my life. I desire to gain, or rather re-gain control of my mind and my thoughts because I know that everything that happens to me is a result of a thought and/or feeling that I have either consciously or subconsciously. I am beginning to notice that it is more so the subconscious, the unseen, that has me blocked from receiving my good or allowing what I deeply desire to be attracted to me. Therefore, I felt that this time of fasting was necessary and rightly timed. It is amazing, how everything comes together in its own time, not always the time we desire it to arrive. I am certain this is part of my lesson.
Yesterday, I began study of the Law of Attraction, the Law of Thought, "The Secret" or whichever name you may want to call it. I have access to a program that was written and developed by Dr. Joe Vitale and Mark Joyner, the founder of the amazing Simpleology programming. In Mark's "Great Teachers Series" Dr. Vitale, author of "The Attractor Factor", teaches the Law of Attraction and how to use this law in order to manifest the life that I desire, while fully living within my purpose. Of course, I am not new to the realization of this law, and I have used it in practice many times with great results. Nonetheless, the dynamics and specifics of utilizing this "law of thoughts" have yet to become a solid, second nature for me. I want it to be where, I no longer have to focus on thinking constructive, positive thoughts, because I naturally do so as a result of training and conditioning my mind to stay on that wavelength, no matter what. Far too many times as of late, I have allowed external forces to bring me down to lower levels of thinking which have, as promised by the Law of Attraction, delivered more of exactly what I did not desire. I know that I am capable of mastering my mind which will allow me to fully engage the Laws of Attraction to my benefit.
During this time of fasting (My fast of choice is The Daniel Fast), I resolve to spend more time in meditation, listening for guidance from my higher self, and also releasing the subconscious barriers that are still trapped, limiting my ability to attract my desired results, or better. I have also made it a point to add visualization to my practice as recommended by my results with Smart Attractor , a short quiz that shows how well one is using the law of attraction to his/her benefit. This is an area that I had not really focused on or practiced as much as meditation, and yet I know that, "whatever one can see in the mind, one can have in the hand." I have a list of 2-3 things that I have the desire to manifest in a relatively short amount of time and I visualize myself not only having those things, or better, but I picture in my mind exactly what they look, smell, and feel like. With regular practice, the Law of Attraction states that my mind will have no choice but to obey and manifest my visualization. I have much confidence in this promise.
It is now up to me to hold up my end of the bargain.
Yesterday, I began study of the Law of Attraction, the Law of Thought, "The Secret" or whichever name you may want to call it. I have access to a program that was written and developed by Dr. Joe Vitale and Mark Joyner, the founder of the amazing Simpleology programming. In Mark's "Great Teachers Series" Dr. Vitale, author of "The Attractor Factor", teaches the Law of Attraction and how to use this law in order to manifest the life that I desire, while fully living within my purpose. Of course, I am not new to the realization of this law, and I have used it in practice many times with great results. Nonetheless, the dynamics and specifics of utilizing this "law of thoughts" have yet to become a solid, second nature for me. I want it to be where, I no longer have to focus on thinking constructive, positive thoughts, because I naturally do so as a result of training and conditioning my mind to stay on that wavelength, no matter what. Far too many times as of late, I have allowed external forces to bring me down to lower levels of thinking which have, as promised by the Law of Attraction, delivered more of exactly what I did not desire. I know that I am capable of mastering my mind which will allow me to fully engage the Laws of Attraction to my benefit.
During this time of fasting (My fast of choice is The Daniel Fast), I resolve to spend more time in meditation, listening for guidance from my higher self, and also releasing the subconscious barriers that are still trapped, limiting my ability to attract my desired results, or better. I have also made it a point to add visualization to my practice as recommended by my results with Smart Attractor , a short quiz that shows how well one is using the law of attraction to his/her benefit. This is an area that I had not really focused on or practiced as much as meditation, and yet I know that, "whatever one can see in the mind, one can have in the hand." I have a list of 2-3 things that I have the desire to manifest in a relatively short amount of time and I visualize myself not only having those things, or better, but I picture in my mind exactly what they look, smell, and feel like. With regular practice, the Law of Attraction states that my mind will have no choice but to obey and manifest my visualization. I have much confidence in this promise.
It is now up to me to hold up my end of the bargain.
law of attraction,
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